The online petition asking ABC to keep
Pushing Daisies on the air is at this address: of this writing, it has over 11,000 signatures and is growing everyday.
To write to ABC to ask them to keep
Pushing Daisies on the air, you can use their
online form or you can write to them via snail mail at the following address:
ABC, Inc.
500 S. Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521-4551
I have done both (below is the letter that I sent).
The week of November 3rd - 10th has been targeted for a mass mail-in campaign to ABC as a consolidated show of support.Other things that you can do to support the show:
Download episodes from Amazon Video on Demand or iTunes and/or buy Season 1 on DVD. This again will show that people want to see this show and will help show ABC that keeping it on the air is a good decision financially. Below are links to download episodes and/or buy the DVD:
Amazon Video on DemandiTunesSeason 1 on DVDAnd most important, watch the show and get others to watch the show as well. Hopefully our efforts will be rewarded with a full second season and more of
Pushing Daisies. I will continue to post ratings updates and other news at this site, so check back on a regular basis.
Other sites to check out as well:
Save Pushing Daisies 2008-2009 at Daisies Forum on S. White
Letter to ABC:To the Program Directors of ABC,
I am writing this letter to request that you please keep Pushing Daisies on the air despite the low ratings it has seen so far this year. This is an excellent and unique series unlike anything on television and a shining example of quality programming on your network, and it fits well with other fine programs that you air such as Lost, Desperate Housewives, and Life on Mars. The fact that the series won an Emmy this past year shows how highly regarded its accomplishments are among the entertainment industry. The series has quickly developed a strong and energized fanbase (including myself) which has already started up a petition asking that you keep Pushing Daisies on the air: As of this writing, the petition already has over 2,800 signatures.
I realize that ABC took a chance in scheduling a program like Pushing Daisies in the first place which varies considerably from normal television fair. However, I believe that this shows your willingness to take chances as well as your dedication to original, quality programming also evidenced by shows like those I mentioned above. I also appreciate the dedication you have already shown to Pushing Daisies by giving it an early full season order last year (made moot by the writer’s strike) and later renewing the series for a second season. I ask that you stick with the show a little bit longer and allow it to reconnect with its audience in its second year. I believe that you will be rewarded for your patience, and viewers will recognize ABC’s dedication to quality programming.
Thank you for you consideration and thank you for keeping quality programming alive on Prime Time television.
-Paul S. White
online form only accepts 500 characters in the comments space, so following is what I sent:
Pushing Daisies is an excellent example of unique, quality programming that has a loyal following, critical praise, and has already earned an Emmy. Please show your dedication to shows like this by keeping it on the air despite its low ratings. An online petition has already started up demonstrating the show’s dedicated fanbase: We appreciate the quality shows that ABC airs and hope that
Pushing Daisies remains part of your family.